Professional Development Resources
Some tips on getting started:​
You should have NO colors other than black on your resume and no pictures, unfortunately, the engineering industry isn’t up to date on color aesthetics
Do not be afraid to ask for help! Utilize ECS resume review appointments, ask your family to proofread for spelling errors, reach out to your SWE officers for help
Don’t just list things on your resume, if you are going to include that you are in a club or organization on campus, including what you do within that club (otherwise companies don’t care lol)
Stick to one format throughout the resume and be consistent (Ex: periods at the end of every bullet or not)
There should be nothing from your high school on your resume once you enter your second year
If you have no involvement freshman year, you can extend this through your second year
Keep experience relevant and current!
Try and only include things from the past two years
If you can expand more on a project or job experience, you don’t need that hobbies section
Unless you are trying to just fill space, you likely do not need to list your high school in the education section
Career Fairs
Preparing for Career Fair
Company Research – Use this company research document to learn about companies you are interested in.
Update your resume and get it uploaded into Handshake. If you are attending in-person, then print off enough copies to give one to each company you wanna talk to and a couple of extras just in case
During Career Fair
Attire: Business casual or business professional, see SWE highlight reel for examples of outfits that fall within these categories. Wear what is going to make you feel most confident!
If you are virtual, arrive at your meeting 5 minutes early (try not to schedule any back to back)
If you are in person, try and stay off your phone unless you are checking the map, have any notes that you need in a physical copy, review your resume or questions you want to ask while you wait in line if you are in person
If you are virtual, have your resume pulled up in front of you
Always write down the name of anyone you spoke with and try and get their email address so that you can follow up with them
After Career Fair
Even if you didn’t get an offer or a follow-up interview, be proud of yourself. Career fairs are really intimidating and just taking the effort to attend one is a huge step in the right direction!
If the recruiter asked you to email them anything, do it within 2 days
If you got the recruiters email at all, send them a thank you email within 1 day and try to include something from your email that they will remember you by
Apply online to any positions you are interested in
Networking + Interviews + Salary Negotiation
Sign up here for LinkedIn:
Check out this super helpful video made by our professional director on how to navigate Linkedin!​
Sign up here for Handshake:
Check out this super helpful video made by our professional director on how to navigate Handshake!
Check out this interview preparation document to help you succeed in your interviews!
Salary Negotiation
Check out this zoom recording for our How to Negotiate event with Engineering Career Services.
Would you like to see the average salaries for a specific major from students at OSU?
Check out this amazing resource from ECS that shows Co-op/Intern Hourly Wages as well as Career Employment Starting Salaries.
Do you have any questions/anything else you would like to see here? Fill out this form and let us know!